Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jacob's 18 months!

My little toddler is a year and a half! I remember when he was born, and so little. Now he's starting to become opinionated and knows what he wants. And 6 months 'til his 2nd birthday. Oy, less than 6 months 'til the bean is here. Ack! Anywho, unfortunately, I do not have stats for Jacob since he'll be going to the doctor next week. I will share those after his appointment. I have no idea how tall he is or how much he weighs, but we'll soon see. He's currently in size 24 mos, but more for length than width. Jacob has learned a lot in the last three months. He's become such a mimic and entertainer. He's hilarious. If he makes you laugh, he will do the same thing over and over to get a laugh out of you. And he's an eater! He likes food, a lot. Well regular food that is, no Gerber Grads/baby food for him. He also loves sweet and sour stuff. He loves cake and ice cream, and he loves pickles and lemons! Yuck. My mouth puckers just thinking about it.

Jacob's vocab currently consists of choo choo, juice, cheese, banana, mmm mmm (not really a word, but I love how he says it when he sees food), mouth, plane, and others I can't quite remember. Oh, and he says bye-bye, and blows kisses then waves good bye. It's crazy to see the words he understands. Like when I tell him to get his jacket/shoes, or it's time to eat fooda (yeah, that means we're going to eat). Or get your juice/agua (water). He points to his diaper to change it! Please let this be a sign of a good potty trainer. Ugh, and there's the other dilemma, do we potty train before or after the new bean?! Do we put him in a toddler bed before/after? So many big decisions.

His personality is the most exciting thing to see. He's so unlike Jess and myself. He's very outgoing, and man is he a dancing machine. He L.O.V.E. loves music. For awhile, he would rock out to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, now he's non-discriminating. He'll dance to a commercial jingle. And can I say, thank God he hasn't had a seizure. I can't lie though, last week, for a couple days, he was having high fevers, but I was aggressive and on top of them. It's what the neurologist told me to do, so I did it, and we survived. I hope we go a looong time without 'em. He has some sharp teeth coming in. But he truly is the light of my life, and I love him more than life itself. Everyday he makes us laugh, and I can't imagine this world without him! I love you, bub!

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