And if that wasn't bad enough, I ordered and received my cap, gown, and hood. Lovely, except I ordered my gown too big. Two people can fit into it! Oh, and all sales are final on graduate regalia. Great. I can either buy another, or suck it up and just wear it for a couple of hours. But on a happier note, my convocation ceremony is in two weeks. San Jose, here I come!
One of the things that always makes me happy to talk about is...Jacob! He's looking like a toddler more and more each day. He now has a third tooth. It popped up right around Easter. It's to the right of where his two front teeth should be. Other than that, Jacob tests his limits everyday of where he can go. Last week he realized he could go to the kitchen, and now he's found his own room. Oy vey, I am not looking forward to the walking thing. He's gonna be everywhere!
Jacob loves bath time in the sink!
Crawling around on one of the sweltering days we had...

Dad's already gotten him started on PS3...