I know I'm a little late, but hey, it's better late than never, right? Here's to a fab 2009! However, our new year did not start with a bang. We spent new years eve at my brother's and it was boring. The guys played poker while the girls chatted in front of the TV. I spent most of my night fighting to get Jacob down to sleep. His bedtime is usually around 8 or 9pm, but because of the loud music and everybody talking, he could not stay asleep. I was so exhausted by the time midnight came around I wanted to go home. Friday we pretty much vegged, but our weekend was spent fixing our apartment up. I would say we're about 85% done. The kitchen's finished, Jacob's room is practically done, now we need to finish the den/dining room. It's slow going, but we're getting there.
And next weekend Jacob will be baptized. We'll have a small dinner party after mass to celebrate. Jacob will also have a wellness baby check-up just a few short days before, and I'm hoping he's not grumpy. We've not been to the doctor since his 2 month appointment on October 20th, but I have good reason. We are seeing a new doctor. I really hope I like this doctor, since my first choice doctor isn't accepting new patients. I was, and still am, bummed.
So besides getting off to a bit of a rocky new year, I'm looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for us.
I took some lame pictures for news years, so I'm sharing some of Jacob and my cupcakes I made for new years:
I have to explain this pic. Jacob's hair is falling out, and it's really short on the back of his head, but if you look at the sides of his head, his hair is really long and it looks funny. One of my brothers, and everyone else, wants to give him a haircut to make it even!

This picture makes me laugh. He's like, "WTH are you looking at, mom?"

The cupcakes I made in my very own oven...