I know we're more than a week into Decmeber, but November was a crazy, but fun month for me. I haven't had a month like that in a long time, and it made time go by so fast. I had quite a few things to look forward to like Thanksgiving. However, I also went to the midnight showing of
Breaking Dawn Part 1. It's become sort of a tradition. I've been to 3 out of the 4, so far. And you can bet I'll be there at midnight next year. Thankfully, it's my niece (and her friend) who spends hours waiting in line for us. I don't know if I'd be able to do it. Alas, next year will be that last time we'll be waiting 'til midnight :( But the movie was amazing. I read the book to compare and I do have to say, of all the movies, this one was the closest to the book. There were few details left out. It was sooo good that I actually saw it twice in theaters. Something I very rarely do with any movie. I had to see it again. So, if you're holding off on seeing it, don't! It's a good movie!
I also had the chance to see Katy Perry in concert! She had a pretty awesome show. It was the last show of her California Dreams tour, and it ended here in LA. She is no Mariah Carey and no Britney Spears but she can put on a show. It was cute, whimsical, and fun! And, a few days later we celebrated Thanksgiving. That weekend was so much fun. I was out and about the whole week. And my mom's Turkey dinner was delicious! Yum. However, the month of November also brought along some sadness when a very close family member passed away :( She was very sick and in pain but now she is at rest.
So, as you can see it was a crazy packed month, only to be out done by December, possibly. This month is going to fly, and I've already got one of my Christmas gifts! An iPhone 4S. I. Am. In. Love. This thing runs circles around my old Blackberry which was two years old and hanging on by a thread. Seriously. That thing was DONE. Oh, but how I adore my new phone. She's so pretty, and fast! LOVE. Love. love.